Reading and Writing Task #13:

As a society I don’t think that here in Puerto Rico we have become a society where shooting is the norm. But I know that in the states it happens a lot and that scares me, when I visit the states that is one of the things I worry about. I fully believe that shootings are the main cause of deaths in children, you just need to see the shootings that have already passed in the few months of this year. I think all the gun violence comes from the fact that it is backed up by the second amendment. Because of this people think that they can do whatever they want, that shouldn’t be the case. It can be prevented by proper gun laws and teaching children that violence is not the solution for people’s frustrations. It shows people that there are other ways of realizing their daily stress without putting others in danger. 

WA voters have spoken: Keep up momentum on gun laws | The Seattle Times teen birthday party ends in shooting