Assessment #8: Activity 4

Tittle: Lessons learned from a unpleasant experience. 

An experience that I consider have been a painful emotionally was when I separated from my friends group of many years in the tenth grade. Situations and respect was lost in the process, people took sides and only one of my friends and me stayed together. For that friend I am very grateful to have, I also learned that sometimes things happen for a reason. I realized things that were wrong in the past friendships that I allowed and thought were ok but ultimately weren’t. I say things more now and if something bugs me I try to process it and then attack the situation instead of acting only on emotions. I think in the moment it hurt but now I have grown from it and I am better for it, it taught me that I should express myself better and to not let people walk over my feelings. It hurt I won’t lie but now I have reached a sense of indifference with those ex friends, I might even talk with a few, it’s not the same as before and it won’t ever be again but it’s civil.

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